Comprehend Salesforce CRM Data Better and Faster
Business intelligence dashboards built using DashConn allow users at all levels within the organization whether an executive, marketing manager, sales representative, or support center operator to more quickly comprehend information and to explore and uncover previously hidden critical pieces of information. These custom applications will further enhance your sales processes, so the team can better make the hundreds of decisions across the many sales opportunities that arise on a daily basis.

Mashup dashboards that integrate additional data sources such as accounting systems and web data feeds can make the most of your investment in Salesforce CRM by providing an integrated view of the entire sales ecosystem.
Dashboards can be deployed in a variety of ways, including Adobe AIR Applications, or embedded within web pages, PDFs, Microsoft Office Applications or Salesforce Visualforce pages allowing your sales team to work with their data in more ways and across more applications.
Low Total Cost of Ownership
Using DashConn and SAP Crystal Dashboard Design your business analysts and IT staff can create sophisticated interactive, analytic dashboards providing live connectivity to your Salesforce CRM data in days instead of months. The DashConn Add-On provides a simple user interface at design time to configure connectivity to Salesforce CRM report data. Within Crystal Dashboard Design business applications can be put together through drag and drop rather than by developers writing software code.
No on-premise servers are required. with DashConn. It includes a data integration platform that runs on Google App Engine to retrieve Salesforce CRM report definitions at design time. And once a dashboard is deployed your data goes directly from the Salesforce cloud to the dashboard; data does not need to be duplicated to middleware for analysis.
Finally no additional security infrastructure is needed when using DashConn as it makes use of Salesforce’s existing security infrastructure. Dashboards deployed into the Salesforce CRM environment seamlessly pick up and run under the current user profile.